Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Ever Higher

Hey you guys, I'm Brooke.

Thanks for joining us today. I genuinely believe that you didn't
come across this website on accident, but because of a God who doesn't do things on accident. That includes you!

You are a miracle.
You are so on purpose.
You are a world-changer.
You are meant to be.
You are created.
You were formed.
You are redeemed.
You are forgiven.
You are sanctified.
You are beloved.
You are so loved.
You are covered in God's perfect grace.
You are the one and only you.
However, there's one thing that you aren't. And that is worthy.                                                                    
You aren't and won't ever be worthy of that love that God gives 
us. Thankfully, He sent someone who is so overwhelmingly                             
worthy that just by being washed in that Man's blood, we  
instantly become apart of His identity. We aren't worthy because
of anything we are, but because of everything He is.
How incredible is that?!                                                                                                                                                                                    

My prayer and my goal with Ever Higher is to pursue with  
passion the purpose that my God has given me!
That purpose is to advance His Kingdom. To share with others
the gift that Jesus gave to me.
First thing I'm gonna say... I am certainly not perfect! But I know
Someone who is, and through His strength, I will do my best to
inspire my generation with a passion to live for Him

                                                       To live different.
                                                       To live beautifully.
                                                       To live with love.
                                                       To live with passion
                                                       To live out our purpose.
                                                       To live vibrantly.
                                                       To live fearlessly.
                                                       To live set apart.

                                                To live  E V E R  H I G H E R.

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

                                              [1  P e t e r  2:9]

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as we say in TX, no cussing |be encouraging| remember Philippians 4:8