Sunday, January 13, 2019

Transforming Fear to Praise

Sadie Robertson is one of my newfound, absolute favorite authors. I recently read her incredibly powerful book, Live Fearless, which I recommend every person alive read.

Being a pretty low-key, old-fashioned kinda girl, I got the book from the library. This ended up being a mistake because I usually tear books up! Highlight, underline, notes, circling... All of that. So, I ended up taking endless amounts of notes in my journal which are invaluable. I was able to extract some extremely immeasurable truths and lock them up in my heart. (I ended up getting the book from my fam for Christmas, sooo I'm working on tearing it up now)

When I started reading the book, I had a hard time pinpointing how I struggled with fear. I examined my heart and tried my hardest to bring to light my darkest fears. I've never viewed myself as someone who really has to deal with fear.

As I began reading the book, I discovered so many things about myself. Fear isn't just an emotion, it's apart of my identity. Apart of who I am.

You've probably heard the acrostic for the word fear.

[False Evidence Appearing Real]

Although I might not have been able to find the fears that haunted me the most right away, I realized that the greatest fear I had was not knowing myself.

I jotted down a list of my fears: acceptance, losing those who are dear to me, never measuring up, rejection, misrepresentation, unfaithfulness, not being truly loved... and the list kept going on.

This simple book allowed me to discover the fears I had deep down along with the answers I needed to overcome them.

In her book, Sadie says, "Overcoming fear means surrendering control." 

God told me so clearly that what I needed was peace and assurance.

He told me that the only way He would give it to me was if I handed over the reins of my life to Him and trusted simply in Him alone.

I could either follow my way to find artificial peace, or I could run to the One who gives me eternal peace which passes all understanding.

At the time I began to understand my fears better, I also began to struggle more. Two of my greatest fears were being misrepresented and losing people. Around the time that I finished Sadie's book, one of the hardest times of my life was right around the corner.

A very unfortunate situation arose where I was misrepresented by people I cared about. Talk about coincidence?! I think it more providence that God prepared me for this time.

Did it make it all better? For sure no! But it did help me realize that I was loved by a God who knows me and loves me 100%. That's all that matters.

Through this time, three things helped me transform my fear and my hurt into praise.

1. God knows the TRUTH, fully knows my heart and LOVES me anyways

Tauren Well's song, "Known" has impacted me so so so greatly! During this time, it encouraged me that no matter what, I'm fully known and loved by Him. That one never gets old and God is doing such incredible things through Tauren Wells. Shoutout to one of my favorites! You can listen to it down below.

2. God will be there and promises to "never leave me nor forsake me."

Even if others leave, He never will. He's always there, no matter what. 

3. Believe what God has already told you

Look into His Word! Some verses that powerfully impacted me were: 2 Samuel 22:2, 2 Timothy 1:7, Psalm 32, Psalm 40, Psalm 46, Psalm 51, Psalm 130, Isaiah 35:4, John 14:27, Isaiah 41:13, Matthew 10:29-31... and SO many more! If you need a longer list, let me know in the comments and I'll share some more. 

While these things are small, they are so powerful. I would encourage you to do a few things today: Pray and ask God to reveal to you the fears you need to take care of. Write down those fears and locate a Bible verse that you can remind yourself of. PRAY like your life depends on it! Because it does. And surrender your control. 

Now it's YOUR turn! Let's hit up the comments.

What are some of your fears?

How has God transformed fear to praise in your life?

What truths encouraged you when you struggle with fear?


  1. Great truths Brooke!!

  2. Thank you so much for this post, Brooke! I need to learn to surrender more and let God be the ruler of my heart. I deal with worry and fear a lot. And even if it isn't like a shivering fear, it's a deep fear that I seem to have on my chest just about all the time.

    I needed this!! <333

    1. Oh, Lilly! Don't we all? God is forever sufficient for all our needs.

      Thank you for you sweet note! I'm so grateful and blessed that this encouraged you!


  3. Ahhh I'm a control freak, so yeah, you can say I needed this! :) I love just running to Him (typically when I write to Him in bed) and He understands and He holds me. He loves me literally no matter what. Ah, what a comfort! What joy it fills me with! :) Love your blog, thank you for the truth in every post!

    1. Amen! Letting His hold us is so incredibly necessary. Go listen to You First and I'll Stay by Riley Clemmons. They are two of my favs right now and totally hit on this subject.

      Thanks for your sweet comment, Mallory! I pray that God keeps speaking and reaching through this blog!



as we say in TX, no cussing |be encouraging| remember Philippians 4:8