I know some of you don't have an Insta, so every three days, three of my journey to the cross posts from IG will be posted on here.
And, if you do want to view them on Insta, you can find me @everhigherblog!
Ever Higher,
|brooke elise|
okay y’all, here’s one truth that we hear all the time! I know for me, it can be reallyyy overrated at times. Here’s a few things that God wants to remind us of in this area... 1. We can trust Him, His grace is sufficient and mercies new
2. Sometimes we feel tested. If He didn’t love us, He wouldn’t be testing us. The ultimate reason for trials is reminding us how much He faithfully loves us.
3. He is always God, no matter what!
4. He knows you 100% and loves you 100% anyways
5. He doesn’t just say He loves us, He shows us that we are worthy because of what He’s already done through His Son.
day 2| look to Jesus!
You will be radiant and you will never be ashamed!
When we get into the posture of just simply looking to Jesus as a child in need of love and guidance, we will have faces that shine brighter than the sun because He radiates through us!
day 3| seek the Lord! He will answer you and He will deliver you from your fears.
So many times, I’ve felt like He isn’t answering me. But in hindsight, that just means I’m not trusting Him in the moment. And He IS answering me, it just may not be the answer I want.
Today, let’s seek the Lord. I know I want peace so badly sometimes, and God has revealed to me that to find peace, I have to seek it.
In the Bible, we find that Jesus is the ultimate Giver of peace.
To find peace, let’s seek it!
Thanks girl!! Love them <3 you're amazing!!!